2016 -
Skin Series is a series of artistic and experimental exploration in the developing realm of wearable technology. My interest lies in the epidermis, the largest organ on the human body - the boundary between the internal and external, self and other - and how new technologies can blur, manipulate and reinvent that boundary. This is a continuation of my research for the installation Living Devices, that investigated the boundaries between life and non-life.
The invisible landscape of electromagnetic signals has changed with the development and proliferation of electronic technology. It is more omnipresent in our surrounding environment than ever before, and is a major part of the fabric of our contemporary lives. But for better or worse, as our habitat changes with technology, are we prone to change with it as well? This is the question that lies at the center of the first piece of this series, the Electric Skin Project.
The Electric Skin explores the possibility of creating a wearable that extends the functionality of the skin to sense electromagnetic fields (mostly within the radio spectrum) and translate that information into touch sensation. The wearable consists of two main functional parts: 1) A matrix of omnidirectional antennas that act as sensors and probes and 2) corresponding electrodes that stimulate the skin of the wearer. Through this artificial “skin” or “exoskeleton”, the wearable changes our experience, perception, and understanding of space and movement, and in doing so, our interactions. The project speculates on the possible co-evolution of man and technology and draws attention to the role of environmental influence on our own bodily development and behavior.

Electric Skin
Model: Vivian Xu
Photography: Harauld Sextus
Year 2019

2016 / 2018
Skin Series explores the future of human perception, and how emerging possibilities in wearable technology can reinvent our relationship with our environment. Using the skin as an interface and venue for experimentation, Skin Series proposes the concept of wearables as prosthetic extensions of ourselves into the world that can evolve the boundary between our internal and external selves. The series explores the possible co-evolution of man and technology, seeing the two as hybrid communication system, and draws attention to the role of environmental influence on our sensory perception that in turn changes our behavior. The series currently has two pieces: Electric Skin and Sonic Skin.
The invisible landscape of electromagnetic signals has changed with the development and proliferation of electronic technology. It is more omnipresent in our surrounding environment than ever before, and is a major part of the fabric of our contemporary lives. But for better or worse, as our habitat changes with technology, are we prone to change with it as well?
The Electric Skin creates a wearable that extends the functionality of the skin to sense electrostatic flux in the environment and translates that information into touch sensation. The wearable consists of two main functional parts: a matrix of omnidirectional antennas that act as sensors and probes and corresponding vibration motors that stimulate the skin of the wearer.
This project was featured in:
Anomaly Unreasonable mini-documentary
Creators Project Vice China's mini series Future Home, Episode 7: China
Interview by CGTV English Channel
Electric Skin
Photography by Harauld Sextus

Electric Skin
Modeled by Artist
Photography by Harauld Sextus
Hex Unit Design (Close Up)

The Sonic Skin projects directional sound like a sound amour from the contours of the body, much like a bat’s or a whale's sonar system, where the journey of the sound is audible to the audience and illustrates the physical relationship between wearer and environment.
The 2018 prototype was generously supported by UNArt Center in Shanghai.
Sonic Skin
Photography by Harauld Sextus

Sonic Skin
Modeled by Artist
Photography by Harauld Sextus

Sonic Skin Controller Design

Sonic Skin Chest Plate Design